جزئیات برنامه:
In Joint Task Force, you can extend the wide range of your military units to the different locations and test your commander skills in the much promising missions. The players can fight with various troops in different parts of the world, completing numerous missions. There are several prize missions, methods which can help to check the strategy skills. The players can check their strategy skills online playing against other players all over the world.
Features of Joint Task Force: Strategy:
نسخه موبایل رایانه کار مشترک مشترک
فرایند خشمگین، سریع و فریبنده
وظایف مختلف در میدان نبرد
سه منظره مختلف که در آن جنگ ها اتفاق می افتد
شما می توانید اشیا را از بین ببرید
مقدار زیادی سلاح های مختلف
سطوح آموزش
نظر یافت نشد